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- Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
- June
3rd, 2000
They specialize in second opinions when other doctors are
- stumped, and dont let these people fool you, they have seen
- it all - they have collected samples through out most of
- the 1800's on anything you can imagine. So when they act
- like we are mysterious to them, its a lie. The museum at
- the other end of the complex shows how they were there
- for everything including Aids, and so on.
Easily the most paranoid group I have met to date, when we
- showed up they tried to chase us off. Then when we met
- with the staff the PAO officer stepped in, and started
- grilling us as to how we got past him.
- Dr. Florabell Mullick apparently doesnt have time for us either.
- She oversee's the toxicology department.
We did however tour the facility, and I did not like what I
- saw. I didnt like what I heard either, it seems that they will
- make "NO" effort to catalog their Gulf War tissue collection.
One of many biases, Gulf War tissue samples are pretty
- much the only type that are sent conventional ground
- mail. Everything else is Federal Express.
We know there are thousands of tissue samples, and we
- will struggle for a catalog of samples for the researchers
- out there.

The complex is a windowless 1950's style bomb
- shelter. They will be moving soon to a new
- complex.

An infected
Lung - these lungs show a
- coccidiomycosis fungal infection from an
- organism more commonly encountered in the
- deserts of the Southwest United States than
- elsewhere.

This portion
of small intestine from a
- young man with hodgkin's disease shows
- many lymph nodes enlarged by cancer.
- They are the button like tumors on the
- wall of the intestine.