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CENTCOM Gulf War records
Transferred to National Archives - September 1998

A few years back the media picked up on the missing 
NBC logs of Stormin Norman, which was enough to 
spark a Congressional hearing that did'nt make Norman 
look real good. All that were left were 37 ratty pages 
out of hundreds, the conspiracy was born.

The years passed as OSAGWI, and other agencies feigned 
ignorance of the logs, and went on. MacDill AFB, Florida 
sat on them until it was time in 1998 to start transferring them
to the National Archives.

These records as well as hundreds of thousands of others are 
rated Secret, and no doubt if SECDEF Rumsfeld, and 
President Bush get their way these records will be reclassified 
to hide any dealings from the past administration before, and 
during the Gulf War. 

In the coming months of 2002 we will push for the declassification
and release of medically relevant sections of the CENTCOM
518 records sets. We are anticipating heavy opposition from
SECDEF Rumsfeld, and CENTCOM itself. But, a logical
conclusion is if nothing was wrong then they should not fear
declassification - if they do its like a admittance of guilt. 
Anything short of records release should be viewed by the
UN War Crimes Tribunal as reasonable suspicion for 

Many of us believe that illegal, and immoral activities took place
in our government during the Gulf War, and the FERES 
DOCTRINE is kept in place to deny American Soldiers
a legal system to pursue justice. It maybe necessary to involve
the world court since certain public US officials seem to be above
the law when it comes to government records, or conduct.

Here is a short inventory list of some of the records sets that
might still be at the archives before someone casually destroys 
them like they have so many others throughout the years.

CENTCOM Records group 518

Set 518 - 1
SF 258 deposit form
Centcom transfer doc
NARA reciept doc
page 2
page 3
page 4
page 5 
page 6
page 7
page 8 
page 9
page 10 
page 11
page 12 
page 13
page 14 
page 15
page 16 
page 17
Set 518 - 2
SF 258 deposit form
SF 135 doc
Set 518 - 3
SF 258 deposit form
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page 6