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Clinical Comprehensive
Evaluation Program
DoD established the Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program to provide
an in-depth medical evaluation to all eligible beneficiaries who have
concerns following service in the Gulf. All service members eligible
for health
care at DoD medical facilities include Gulf War veterans now on active
or retired; and all members of the Reserve components who are placed
orders by their units; and eligible family members of such personnel.
register, individuals should call the DoD toll-free number at (800-796-9699).
Tricare page on CCEP
handled by the Persian Gulf Coordinating Board, a very biased
government group - the executive director is Robert G. Claypool. How
basically defend himself before the Senate how wonderful the program
Lets put it this way, Kay Bailey Hutchinson didnt buy it.
However, this
program had several main problems. The biggest is it didnt
keep up with changes it issues and technology. The protocols needed
to be
flexible, and instead remained unchanged for the duration of the study.
- The issue is, we need specialized labs to pin down the more subtle
- conditions. Many veterans have more complex neurological conditions
- than they can imagine, and more and more technology is reflecting this.
Then we have endocrine, muscular, skeletal, digestive, and so on.
Then everything gets complex, so lets see how this spells out:
- The IOM - Institute of Medicine decided to recommend changes.
- WRAMC - Walter Reed Army Medical Center, home of the now
- infamous DHCC program and the CPG
- DHCC - Deploymental Health Clinical Center at Walter Reed Army
- Hospital now oversees not only Gulf War
medical issues but ALL
- delpoyments since then and in the future.
- VHAC - Veteran Health Advisory Committee ( under DHCC's care )
- was supposed to provide input from veterans
to DHCC, of which
- has failed miserably.
- CPG - Clinical Practice Guidelines, what is in the hands of Burch &
Davis -
- the contractors responsible for side
stepping the veterans on CCEP.
- These guidelines are designed to let
doctors think for themselves
- instead of pushing mandatory test, the
end result is generalized care
- designed to find nothing.
- DODHA - Health Affairs at the Pentagon, the one overseeing CCEP
- is Lt. Col. James Riddle. He is making
sure this dies silently and quickly
- without outside input.
MVHCB - Military and Veterans Health Coordinating Board - this
- is Claypool again. They bridge
the gap between the DOD CCEP program
- and the Persian Gulf Registry exam
at the VA.
- CHPPM - Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
- They disquise samples and enviromental
data, making there medical
- surveillance work look like everything
is right as rain.
- NHRC - Naval Health Research Center. The navies attempt to monitor
- military health issues and conduct
What we need is the Phase II blood labs and procedures, and they all
- want this removed. Dont test, Dont find.
Here is a photo from the Presidential Special Oversight Boards last meeting
- October 27th, 2000. This is where they announce all the pending changes,
- and the new Millenium Cohort Study. This is to channel Gulf War research
- into all deployment level scenarios. What it really means is they did
so well
- screwing Gulf War veterans that they wish to apply this to any casualties
- following the Gulf War ( Bosnia - Kosovo - ect. ).

DHCC nine page slide presentation on the new CPG guidleines.
Health Affairs nine page slides on the new CPG guidleines
- Page
Basically, none of the National Service Organizations or Grass Roots
- efforts have a part in the CPG guidelines. Even after Dr. Charles Engle
- of Walter Reed Army hospital stated to Dr. Bernard Rostker for the
- record that they need our input. The whole thing is a farce to keep
- from developing beneficial programs for veterans that might actually
- find something. It gets worse, OSAGWI is supposedly putting up a
- interactive page on their website to reflect our CCEP concerns.