debunking the Special Assistant
Gulf War Illnesses
- Updated: January
22nd, 2007
- Come join our Organization as we face
down the agency that lies about
- Gulf War issues. Deployment Health
Support Directorate
- 1995 - 20,000,000 Gulf War military records declassified
1996 - 6,000,000 files given to OSAGWI to put on website
- 1996 - 1,700,000 files are medically relevant
1997 - 42,943 put up on gulflink.osd.mil website
At a cost of $150,000,000 less than .007% of the Gulf War Military
records have been declassified for public release. 16 years later
99.993% is classified , and the Pentagon has vowed to reclassify
these records. This include Confidential Records that should have
been released at the 15 year mark.
On February 14th 1999 I sent OSAGWI a FOIA asking for the bulk
- of its records names be declassified, and sent to me. I received a
- partial reply from General Vesser in a box with 2,877 pages, and
- two CD's. On the CD was the Structured database file and other part
- was a unstructured file. Again, only of the 42,943 files on the
- public server. In the Nov 5th1999 response letter from OSAGWI to
- me they explained they were processing the classified portion of the
- log sheets for me. That was the last I ever heard
from them on paper
- concerning this FOIA. It remains mostly unanswered
to this day
- on the other 6,000,00 files.
OSAGWI database file of
42,943 files
response to me concerning partial response to FOIA
- The Pentagon hides behind Executive Order
13292 so that the bulk
- of what happened in the Gulf remains hidden
from the public. Except
- this is criminal intent to withhold
information of neglect, misconduct,
- mishandling, and much worse during the Gulf
War. The very same
- people who say nothing happened are the ones
with full knowledge
- of those records, and vow to conceal them at
all cost. The same people
- who lead us back to Iraq again under false
terms, and created yet another
- disaster to live down.
- There should be FULL public disclosure, and we
have the right to know
- what really happened in Iraq from 1990 to
to complain to Veteran Affairs about your health care
- Gulf War, and Operation Iraqi Freedom
- November 9th,
RAC in Dallas,
IOM ALS, Gulf War Registry, Gulf War Review
- On November 6th and 7th it had been hoped the
SWU funding contract
- would have been signed by VA in time for the
meeting, it was not. So
- of course it could not be discussed as where
the plans are. So day 1 was
- fill materials on FMRI imaging techniques. Not
a well balanced meal
- in the research circles. Day 2 had its good
moments of which I will not
- discuss because DHSD is at my website every
two hours trying to get
- a look. So for now I will remain quite on much
of it, let them figure out
- the rest on their own. I won many battles, and
I wont talk about it yet.
- Researchers: the Preliminary deadline for the
DOD Gulf War Illness
- RFA proposals is December 1st 2006. Please
send a proposal to:
- http://cdmrp.army.mil/funding/gwvirp.htm
- After the resignation of Deputy Director
Donald Rosenblum at VA, the
- Gulf War Review has no publisher. Supposedly
VA is reviewing the new
- person but it also sounds like its just Mark
Brown and Craig Hyams doing
- the reviewing which means a OSAGWI legacy
plant will get in and make
- the Review worse. Its not even paper bound
anymore but electronic, and
- Mark Brown could care less if any of us ever
saw it again. Why should he
- care, he is not a Gulf War vet.
- http://www1.va.gov/GulfWar/page.cfm?pg=3
- July
2006 issue
- The newest WRIISC, Gulf War Registry, OIF,
Agent Orange, and other data
- for Nov 2006 has been released by VA. Here
they are in order:
- Registry
VISN report
- Korea
Registry report
stats report
- EH
Coordinators Phone Book
- EH
Clinicians Phone Book
- With the advent of the Mandatory Anthrax
vaccine being reinstated comes
- the announcement of the MBVP, the Military
Biodefense Vaccine Project.
- Teamed up with the NVIC - the National Vaccine
Information Center they
- struggle to deal with the complex problems
brought about by this totally
- unnecessary vaccine program that even the GAO
has spoke ill of. Not to
- mention the Supreme Court Injunction to stop
further injuries from this
- vaccine. If you have a Anthrax vaccine
question or problem, here is the
- real source.
- http://www.military-biodefensevaccines.org/
- The Institute of Medicine of the National
Academies will be releasing a
report, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Veterans: A Review of the
Scientific Literature, on Friday, November 10, 2006
- http://www.nap.edu/catalog/11757.html
- I spoke at the Mental Health Task
Force's when it came to Fort Hood
- on September 20th, and the transcripts show I
got in about 22 pages of
- material concerning PTSD from 1990 to
- Transcript
of day
- News article:
- Soldiers
tell task force of their struggle to find peace after war
- October 16th,
The coming election, and the anti-vets
- The year is certainly not without it's
surprises, and yet people always
- seem to be at there worst when it comes to
Gulf War vets. What has
- this country got against us, and why do things
have to be so harsh.
- The IOM will announce that though Infectious
Disease are a issue among
- Gulf War vets, some of the more serious
disease have little long term
- problems. As I listened to the
presentation I felt ill at the contempt the
- committee demonstrated, and the arrogance.
Except, they did not care
- about the changes in diagnostics over the last
15 years in many issues
- like Leishmaniasis. There wasn't even any real
testing done for this until
- 1996, and it is something that is largely
ignored in current exams. So when
- I pointed out that there were 22 confirmed C.
Leishmania cases from the
- Gulf War, and the numbers might be much higher
if a proper screening
- had been done - the director of the
committee said he didn't care if it was
- 22, 200, or 2000 cases. That was not there job
to address. Of course not,
- why start a panic by telling people they have
a disease when you can
- ignore the diagnostics just like they do with
OIF today. So they wont even
- put out a press release because they felt it
wasn't important enough to do
- so. Yeah, that's right - don't give people a
heads up if it could help them.
- Just put out press releases like the last one
saying there is no Gulf War
- syndrome. This shows the IOM is the lapdog of
VA, and especially Mark
- Brown at VA who ever since the PAC in 1995 has
had a axe to grind
- against us. He oversees the contracts, and the
way VA uses them.
- http://newton.
- The Pentagon will once again force the Anthrax
Vaccine on the soldiers.
- This is a unnecessary thing to do because
right now there is no global
- threat to use it, and if Anthrax was used on
troops point blank then no amount
- of vaccine will protect them. Why ruin peoples
lives with this vaccine, and
- not give them a choice whether they will or
wont take it. This is a sore
- subject with Gulf War vets, and a lie
perpetuated on the military by use
- of technicalities to claim the vaccine is safe
when in fact it is not. The
- vaccine should be scrapped altogether as no
version of it has actually
- really passed live testing since the 1960's.
Even the newest version have
- failed testing trials. That's part why there
was a Supreme Court injunction,
- this damn thing isn't safe or fare to the
- In November 6th, 7th, the VA RAC meets in
Dallas Texas instead of
- Washington, DC. There was time to prepare in
September, but several
- people have thwarted my efforts to get
participation for this event. It is
- as if the people tied to this event want it to
fail, which makes no sense.
- So I start this week soliciting people
throughout Texas to attend what is
- the last Gulf War program left to us. I have
asked the committee to make
- the recommendation to instate a coordinating
board to take the strain off
- of them when it comes to non-research issues.
I've made several request,
- and all I can do now is push people to just
show up. Good, bad, or
- indifferent - people need to see how the
system works.
- http://www1.va.gov/rac-gwvi/page.cfm?pg=21
- As I had said before, VA is going to wait out
the $15,000,000 funding
- passed by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. Why,
because Dr. Haley wants
- to use some of the funding, and VA only wants
him only to distribute it.
- There has to be a middle ground on this, where
Dr. Haley uses some of
- it but assures that other credible researchers
get some. Then again,
- I agree with Dr. Haley that
VA would probably just want to fund more
- psychiatric research instead
of genuine neurological. A example being
- the WRIISC putting out a study suggesting that
40% of vets coming to
- them have Neurotic Depression. A neurology
clinic making a antiquated
- psychiatric diagnosis, sounds planned. So it
looks like VA will kill off this
- Gulf War research program by doing like it
tried to do with PL 105-368,
- and just let this lie in limbo several years.
They can't have something
- that works in our benefit, as VA wants to
drive off ALL Gulf War vets.
- That's why they put out that Press release
with the last IOM report on
- Health Effects, saying "No Gulf War
syndrome" so they could grind us
- under there heals.
- The Bush Administration "HATES"
Gulf War vets.
- September 22nd,
The need for real Government Oversight
- Several events have taken place that I have
not posted. But, I cant
- post these items because right now I have a
higher Government
- readership than veteran. Still, I will comment
a little bit as we head
- into October.
- The bad guys in DC are using my website and
mail list as a way to
- divert what support is left. So since July I
have even survived multiple DOD
- and VA attacks on my website to try to even
divert email to them.
- Of which I turned over to Government
- The last RAC meeting was loaded with
neurological information,
- but left out the audience. So the RAC meeting
at the Dallas VAMC
- in November 6th, 7th should be better as far
as public participation. But,
- VA has already stepped in to try, and stop
participation by technicality
- just as its trying to to kill the SWU funding
by keeping Dr. Haley from
- using it. Dirty pool.
- The IOM Gulf War Health effects Volume 4
report was a travesty
- of wasted effort, and missed materials. Even
the press release was
- written by Mark Brown at VA to do the most
harm possible. He
- denies he wrote it, but by even saying this
means others have said
- to him he wrote it. Mark Brown is the worst
thing to happen to Gulf
- War issues, and desperately needs to resign.
As does Kelly Brix.
- The IOM reports show a malicious intent he
pushes from behind.
- My phone has rang off the hook from so many
things to include the
- Mental Health Task Force that came to Fort
Hood. This meeting at
- the Plaza hotel was a planned disaster, hardly
anyone was notified
- till the day it happened. Still, I showed up
with about 7 others as we
- challenged the board to do more than it was.
Major Duda was the
- audience plant to make the committee look
good, but was as phoney
- as a 3 dollar bill when he spoke to them. All
in all General Kiley was
- a impressive character in all of this, and
surprised me many times.
- But, his fellow panel members looked like they
could care less to be
- there.
- The lack of notification no doubt was on
purpose so they could report
- back to Sec. Rumsfeld that there are no
problems at Fort Hood. They
- will probably do the same trick to other bases
in the future so that the
- report will look like what they want it to
say. What is missing are the
- OIF soldiers themselves that the system isn't
taking care of and will
- continue not to if this committee continues as
- Walter Reed finally wrote a report stating
that blood transfusion of
- Leishmaniasis has happened. Ironically I had
pitched to the FDA in
- 2003 that Iraqi Leishmaniasis was a threat to
the American blood
- supply. Little was done to protect it, and now
its happened. So
- increasingly I am seeing more and more
soldiers at Fort Hood that
- Darnell Hospital is not taking care of on
Leishmaniasis. One case I'm dealing
- with now has gone on for 3 years, and he faces
boarding. But, not a
- medical retirement he is entitled to. Without
even being seen by Walter
- Reed for his aggravated condition. How many
hundreds of troops are now
- Viseralizing and DOD is hiding the fact. Much
less even getting a full
- post deployment screening. Talk down here is
Darnell both doesn't care,
- and treats these cases with shame. Even
allowing positive cases to
- donate blood, a story the Killeen Daily Herald
locally decided to drop
- for whatever reasons months ago.
- Iraq has been a 15 year legacy where American
troops received
- substandard care, and apparently the OIF
troops are doomed to
- repeat. I've watched it through out these many
years, tried to be
- proactive in 2002 with DOD on much of this,
and find the soldiers
- carrying the burden as DOD drops the ball. The
walking wounded
- carrying the wounded for 15 years, and I guess
for 15 more.
- Gulf War troops are treated worse than ever,
and having got away
- with it DOD / VA are doing the same to OIF. We
need Government
- Oversight so badly, and there is none.
- Why wont anyone really help us, and stop just
saying they are?
- July 14th
Southwestern University funding in
- With little fan fare, the VA / DOD cloak and
dagger strategy to try
- and Welch on the Southwestern University $15
million a year funding
- is becoming a issue. The claim now is VA
General Council is drafting
- a contract to negotiate with SWU on how the
money will be spent.
- More likely this is a repeat of 1998 PL
105-368 wherein VA waited
- out the budget deadline for the WRIISC center.
After two years the
- $241 million dollar budget lapsed, and VA didn't
have to build a stand
- alone center. Instead, the teamed up with
Walter Reed Army Hospital
- to trivialize the program down to a small
number of rooms in a VAMC
- in DC and New Jersey. Sec Anthony Principi
parades it out in a
- different package that was designed to fail. A
bastardized version of
- what had been presented on the hill, and down
graded as well as
- repackaged until it passed as a sliver of the
original PL draft.
- In the back ground DHSD was hinted working
with the media to help
- write a slam piece article of the Southwestern
University funding. Its
- not hard to understand why either. If DOD / VA
kills the University
- funding - it doesn't
revert back to VA and they finally get rid of Gulf
- War Illness research altogether. The goal is
to drive vets away, and
- this is something I have witnessed personally
year after year on the
- hill. Its criminal they are funded to run
interference rather than help.
- July 6th 2006:
DHWG 2004 /2005 Annual reports to
- After two years of DOD simply ignoring Section
707 of Public Law
- 102-585, they finally release the annual Gulf
War Research reports
- to Congress. But, the reports are little more
than observations of others
- work than a note worthy attempt at
recommendations for research.
- Its so frustrating to read the 129 page report
because it says so little
- in such a gigantic volume. But, you can see
they hide behind global
- research that is not even Gulf War to pump up
the volume. The lack
- of strategy, guidance, or long term plan is
clear as this waste of tax
- payer money ignores possibilities in favor of
psychological research.
- Gulf War medical research is in desperate need
of fresh government
- blood, and not these stodgy legacy personnel
relics of the OSAGWI
- administration flavoring the hill with there
animosity toward the vets.
- Gulf
War Report to Congress - 2004
- Gulf
War Report to Congress - 2005
- June 29th
2006: D-cycloserine for
- A drug used for years to treat tuberculosis is
being tried
- at the San Francisco VA Medical Center as a
way of tapping
- into the circuitry of the brain that unlearns
the fear response.
- What some fear is this is a repeat of the mind
control experiments
- in the days of MK-ultra. If you screw with
memory and learning,
- then what you have is mind control - as like
depicted in the remake
- of the Manchurian candidate.
- This doesn't sound like a good idea.
- June 16th 2006:
IOM on Gulf War PTSD
- The IOM published
the "Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Diagnosis
- and
Assessment" report. Which turned out to be a surprise in that
- it wasn't the
usual VA fanfare of other IOM reports.
- http://www.iom.edu/CMS/3793/32410/35130.aspx
- It offered some
good observations, and then blew it on the
- co morbidity
survey and analogies. Most noticeably missing in
- this like most
government reports is accountability of leadership,
- and that military
leaders in the field can get away with murder
- while subjecting
enlisted to all kinds of atrocities. Then afterwards
- the military hides
behind the Feres Doctrine to avoid legal action.
- It just shows the
"Army of One" recruiting strategy was well
- planned to isolate
a soldier from help when things go wrong.
- Leaving the
soldier even more traumatized by the time they
- are drummed out of
the military on something like "Sports
- related
injury" or worse.
- PTSD is very real,
but there is a darker side that still is being
- glossed over that
will backfire with Operation Iraqi Freedom.
- The troops don't
come back deprogrammed, and don't decompress
- in time to
reintegrate into the American rat race. There will be
- a noticeable rise
just in traffic accidents of deployed bases of
- those that drive
like they are still in Iraq. With that back thought
- of driving to
avoid the IED's. and road rage of a different kind.
- May 15th, 16th 2006: RAC
- With the newly appointed panel it was hoped
that the RAC
- might be heading a fresh direction. Instead
when the
- meetings started it was clear that VA had
picked ringers
- for the board to support its agenda. For two
days board
- members droned on obscurely about themselves
- the points were not driven home. Worse yet,
Dr. Clauw
- towed the Somatization wagon in a really
negative way.
- Many feel he is on board just looking for
- It looks like more of the same from the RAC.
More years
- of nothing while passing itself off as
- As usual the audience was treated with disdain
as if it
- had nothing to offer the committee. Still, I
was able to
- pitch a 28 slide PowerPoint in 5 minutes at
the end of
- the day with multiple valid points.
- http://www.gulflink.org/rac/rac2006.ppt
- Its not hard to see the RAC will not survive
much longer,
- especially without its golden child Dr. Robert
Haley who
- had to resign over the Southwestern University
- Though he will continue Gulf War Research at
UT with the
- new $15 million a year program, it has to
operate separately
- from the RAC to be ethical.
- April 6th 2006: WRIISC,
GW Registry, DHWG, IOM, CCEP
- These are the VA Registry stats for Agent
Orange, Ioninizing
- Radiation, Gulf war, Gulf War II, and the
WRIISC in DC as of
- April 6th 2006.
- http://www.gulflink.org/stat/EAS20050803.xls
- http://www.gulflink.org/stat/RegSum2005A.xls
- I talked with Cpt Brian Jones today who is a
member of the
- Deployment Health Working Group. The ones that
put out the
- annual reports to Congress on Gulf War Illness
- research. I pleaded the need for the DHWG to
be a public
- program with a public website. That there
failing to produce a
- 2004 and 2005 report to Congress hurt the
veterans issue.
- He was unable to comment on behalf of the
committee, and
- left that upto the non-responsive Mike
Kilpatrick of Force
- Health Protection to answer. To date the DHWG
has been a
- secret entity that operates outside of public
view or opinion.
- Part of the Force Health Protection program
campaign to
- hide in plain sight, which has only worsened
since 2001.
- Though the Clinical Comprehensive Evaluation
Program was
- killed off in June 2002, the Deployment Health
Clinical Center
- websites own words says "CCEP is not
going away".
- http://www.pdhealth.mil/clinicians/ccep.asp
- Walter Reed is having to revise the website so
that this
- misleading fact doesn't screw up the release
of the VA
- EH coordinators $60,000 training materials
- this very program.
- http://www.pdhealth.mil/clinicians/downloads/CCEP_Transition_to_DHCC_Page(3.1).pdf
- The IOM is scheduled to release its Gulf
War and Health
- Volume 4 (Health Effects of
Serving in the Gulf War) report
- at the end of May. But, in
a surprise move they are moving
- up the release of the Gulf
War PTSD study to June 2006.
- This would be 6 months
ahead of schedule shortly following
- the Health effects report.
Word on the street is that VA wants
- to say that Gulf War vets
suffer from substance abuse, and
- that Gulf War Illness is
not real. The IOM reports in May and
- June will no doubt reflect
the hostile position of VA towards Gulf
- War vets. They are in no
rush to release the IOM Infectious
- Disease study scheduled for
release in January 2007.
- http://www8.nationalacademies.org/cp/projectview.aspx?key=HPDP-H-04-04-A
- VA is close to announcing
the its Gulf War Tissue repository
- program, to take the place
of the Armed Forces Institute of
- Pathology secret program.
It was the unwillingness of the AFIP
- to cooperate with
researchers that lead to the new VA program.
- The Gulf War Review will no
longer be printed. Instead it will be
- released on the VA website.
Agent Orange and Ionizing Radiation
- Reviews will still be
printed, as those programs are still Congressionally
- funded. The Gulf War
Registry funding lapsed on December 31st 2003,
- and is slated for shutdown
early 2007.
- Last years public laws that
were passed to get both VA and DOD funding
- for Gulf War Illness
Research are in limbo. $30 million is tied up
- in processing issues that
will lead to it remaining unused as was the
- 2005 Gulf War Illness
research funding. With no Government oversight
- in place the things
continue to worsen, as there is no centralized
- organization to govern it.
Only informal alliances in DC that have
- privatized it on both
- Government Reform is taking
a half hearted stab at investigating a few
- Gulf War issues right now,
but the subcommittee's history of no prosecution
- of Government Gulf War
issue violators has made it a joke in DC.
- 14 hearings and no DOJ's.
Its as is if they were supposed to fail at this,
- which implies a heavy
Republican influence on the subcommittee.
- May 15th, 16th the Research Advisory Committee
meets in
- Washington DC to cover the 2006 Gulf war
Research agenda.
- February 27th 2006: Acinetobacter
- After a detailed discussion with CHPPM, I was
alarmed to find out that
- since Acinetobacter is only considered a
infection - its not being tracked
- by the medical community or reported as a
disease would. So though
- there were 280 cases mid last year of this
infection in military troops,
- there are no Government policies in place to
disclose this.
- So at Landstuhl, Germany patients swarming
with the colonized infection
- on their skin are coming into contact with
other patients as they pass
- this infection along. Even the privacy
curtains in the rooms become
- a transmission source as not only do the
patients touch them, but
- much of the hospital staff there as well. As
little as a handshake is
- all it takes.
- So three Canadian soldiers come into contact
with the American
- soldiers at Landstuhl, and bring the infection
home to Canada.
- Hospitals around America are in the same boat
as these American
- soldiers come back from Iraq spreading
Acinetobacter from one
- hospital to the next. A super bug that cant be
wiped out by normal
- means, waiting to infect sicker patients who
have weakened immune
- systems. A uncontrolled potential epidemic
because of Government
- policy loop holes.
- February 18th 2006: The
Soldiers Ride
- Disabled veterans from Iraqi Freedom ride
there way across Key West
- Florida this weekend for charitable donations
to help wounded soldiers
- returning from Iraq. DSBR is happy to sponsor
part of this trip as a
- loyal supporter of the troops in Iraq.
- Soldiers
Ride - donations for wounded soldiers
- February 17th 2006: IOM
post PTSD presentation
- These are the links to the Monday IOM
- Fw:
Gulf War and Health: Stress, Open Meeting, Presentations and St
- February 15th 2006: Save
the Gulf War Registry
- DSBR, and members of Vietnam Veterans of
America Foundation meet
- with Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison staff
Wednesday to discuss several
- programs. In this meeting I call for a
extension of the Gulf War Registry
- program from its December 31st 2003 end date
to Dec 2013.
- OIF troops are generally unaware that they can
get a GWR exam. So
- VA is asking around to see what the problem is
with the program.
- Legislation
Proposal before VA Subcommittee
- February 13th 2006: PTSD
- IOM meeting
- Its a massive turn out to hear what the
medical community has to say
- about PTSD, and Iraq. Turns out to be better
than expected except for
- the remarks of Sally Satel who hits a sour
note even with the IOM staff.
- The Vietnam Vets turn out out in mass for
this, and a few OIF troops.
- Sadly, I am the only Gulf War veteran at what
is supposed to be a
- Gulf War IOM meeting.
meeting February 13th 2006 - Gulf War PTSD
- February 9th 2006: The
politics of PTSD
- Writer Denise Ford shakes up the blogger
community with a sweeping
- article on the politics of PTSD. About the
same time the Doonesbury
- cartoon strips is making similar
- Blaming
the Veteran: The Politics of PTSD -- Part 1
- February 7th 2006: Leishmaniasis,
Fort Hood
- Since December I am arguing with Walter Reed
Army Hospitals point man
- LTC Peter Weina about the reported numbers of
Leishmaniasis in Iraq
- among the troops. Articles had been posted
that by Dec 2005 the numbers
- of positive cases are around 840. As I pointed
out, Chppm shows that there
- were 1,178 cases by November 2004. So how can
there be less cases
- in 2005 than 2004. DOD is covering up the
Peter Weina response - 1,178 Leishmaniasis cases in November 2005
- Worse yet, Darnell Army Hospital at Fort Hood
is telling soldiers they can
- give blood even if they tested positive for
Leishmaniasis. Apparently they are
- not aware of DOD blood donation policy on
soldiers testing positive for
- Leishmaniasis. Its a PERMANENT deferral. That
means lifetime ban.
- Armed Services Blood Program
- January 20th 2006: VDBC
- Anthrax Vaccine Presumption
- Since August 2005 I have argued with the
Veterans' Disability Benefit
- Commission about the fact that VA is not
granting Service Connection
- for the Anthrax Vaccine though in Title 38 its
says they do. Turns out
- the Secretary of VA has never signed off the
positive association, so
- they wish to ignore the issue.
- Dr. Meryl Nass presents to the committee on
January 20th of her
- understanding of the Anthrax Vaccine program's
problems from Gulf
- War to present. To include this problem with
Title 38 on Presumption.
- The committee acts like its the first time
they have heard of this and
- show interest. I for one have my doubts the
VDBC is sincere in its
- efforts, and question if this committee really
is trying to help the vets. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gulflink/message/9158
- January 17th 2006: Temple
Texas Teague VAMC
- I stopped into the Temple VAMC to check in on
the Environmental
- Health coordinator. As I looked around the
lobby for literature or
- displays to find this person, ( and finding
none ) I was approached
- by a staffer. She asked me what I was doing,
and I said a unannounced
- inspection. I was then escorted to security
where I was held for 30
- minutes as they grilled me on who I was. After
I called DC VA for
- back up, they sent the EH coordinator to
rescue me from security.
- She turned out to be great.
- After our visit I was asked back up to the
directors office. After a
- few more questions they asked me if I was
chartered by Congress,
- I said no. Then the next question, was I
non-profit. I said no. They
- then said "Then why am I talking to
you". And it was over.
- Its this paranoid over reaction of this
facility that makes me wonder
- what they have to hide. In the 13 years of
visiting VAMC's nation wide
- this was the worst treatment I ever received
at a VAMC. To include
- the very same facility back in 1994, when it
wasn't near this bad.
- How can this center lead the nation in Gulf
War vets exams if its so
- openly hostile towards them.
- January 15th 2006: PTSD
- Increasingly the question is rising on what
level are the troops being
- effected by the daily carnage in Iraq. The IOM
announces a public
- meeting in February to discuss it in more
detail as a research issue.
- The final report to publish late 2006.
- January 6th 2006: No
more Hoptel at WRIISC in DC
- A disgruntled vet gets angry at VA, and cracks
down on them refusing
- his wife a Hoptel room for one night in DC.
The WRIISC rebels after the
- stink by cutting off Hoptel services to
spouses of soldiers staying at the
- WRIISC in Washington DC. Once again VA vastly
over reacts to a
- situation by punishing the veteran community
if they do something
- wrong. This is a really poor idea as this part
of DC is not a safe place
- to walk at night, much less stay at a hotel
down the road.
- New hiccup with WRIISC clinic in DC - No Hoptel anymore
We continue here at DSBR
to ask questions, and ask that you join
our discussion group at
Mail List.
- Sincerely
- Kirt P. Love
- Disabled Gulf War Veteran
- Contact: Kirt
- The Turkey Awards:
- Given to those individuals
that struggle to
make Gulf War
veterans lives worse
of better.
- Gulflink Yahoo mail list