debunking the Special Assistant
Gulf War Illnesses
- Updated: December
- Come join our Organization as we face
down the agency that lies about
- Gulf War issues. Deployment Health
Support Directorate
- 1995 - 20,000,000 Gulf War military records declassified
1996 - 6,000,000 files given to OSAGWI to put on website
- 1996 - 1,700,000 files are medically relevant
1997 - 42,943 put up on gulflink.osd.mil website
At a cost of $150,000,000 less than .007% of the Gulf War Military
records have been declassified for public release. 16 years later
99.993% is classified , and the Pentagon has vowed to reclassify
these records. This include Confidential Records that should have
been released at the 15 year mark.
On February 14th 1999 I sent OSAGWI a FOIA asking for the bulk
- of its records names be declassified, and sent to me. I received a
- partial reply from General Vesser in a box with 2,877 pages, and
- two CD's. On the CD was the Structured database file and other part
- was a unstructured file. Again, only of the 42,943 files on the
- public server. In the Nov 5th1999 response letter from OSAGWI to
- me they explained they were processing the classified portion of the
- log sheets for me. That was the last I ever heard
from them on paper
- concerning this FOIA. It remains mostly unanswered
to this day
- on the other 6,000,00 files.
OSAGWI database file of
42,943 files
response to me concerning partial response to FOIA
- The Pentagon hides behind Executive Order
13292 so that the bulk
- of what happened in the Gulf remains hidden
from the public. Except
- this is criminal intent to withhold
information of neglect, misconduct,
- mishandling, and much worse during the Gulf
War. The very same
- people who say nothing happened are the ones
with full knowledge
- of those records, and vow to conceal them at
all cost. The same people
- who lead us back to Iraq again under false
terms, and created yet another
- disaster to live down.
- There should be FULL public disclosure, and we
have the right to know
- what really happened in Iraq from 1990 to
to complain to Veteran Affairs about your health care
- Gulf War, and Operation Iraqi Freedom
- December 10th,
2007: Gulf War Review, RAC, and dead ends
- There have been a few events throughout the
year. But, since the
- RAC rigged the Senate hearings there wasn't
much to report. They
- failed just like every other hearing the RAC
tries to fix. The same
- tired people trying to get funding for there
buddies while ignoring all
- else in favor of private agendas.
- My argument with the RAC is that I would
rather have the $10,000,000
- they would spend on the DOD CDMRP Gulf War
Research instead
- be spent on a independent clinical program.
Just like I am angry that
- Dr. Haley wants to use the bulk of the VA
funding for Brain Imaging.
- We have metabolic disorders among Gulf War
vets but the RAC
- would rather fixate on Brain Imaging. So my
question stands: "How
- do you treat a 5% reduction in brain
mass?". The answer, you cant
- unless you plan to regenerate brain tissue or
give psychotropic drugs
- to take our minds off loosing our minds. So
these are dead ends that
- will end up wasting more of our time rather
than trying to improve
- quality of life now. Then again the RAC doesnt
care about veteran
- involvement or producing results. They don't
even post there phone
- number for people to contact them.
- Note: here is the number - 785-350-4617
- Many like myself have said for years that
Hyperlipidemia should be
- paid more attention to among Gulf War vets.
Its a sign of a metabolic
- problem that disrupts our lives like it does
mine. So when I went to look
- up one report by the Journal of General Internal Medicine in 1995
there was a portion of the report that said "Hyperlipidemia accounted
for 65% of the new diagnoses". The title was:
"Evaluation of health-related quality of life in Persian Gulf War Veterans."
- When I went to download it from the Deployment
Health and OSAGWI
- websites it had been taken down. So here is
yet another piece of
- evidence in which DOD wants to conceal
anything that points a smoking
- gun at Gulf War Illnesses. So far they have
been unresponsive to my
- request that they put it back up.
- The Gulf War Review is to be printed for the
first time since July
- 2006. Except VA Environmental Agents is trying
out of spite to
- ignore researchers and the VA Gulf War
Biorepository in Tucson,
- Arizona so they can write about the IOM report on
Gulf War and
- Health: Physiologic, Psychologic, and Psychosocial
Effects of
- Deployment Related Stress which has no recommendations
for Gulf War vets at all. Just OIF. VA EA has to make sure that
- veterans have no where to go or to write to.
Got to keep us down.
- VA extended the time on compensation for Gulf
War vets, its just
- that VA will make sure that almost no one
files under "Undiagnosed
- Illness". 13,027 out of 280,623 filed for
this. That is .4% of the total
- Gulf War veterans trying to get compensation.
About 3,384 got that
- rating. 1% of 1% which is not worth fighting
for compared to the whole
- of the problem. This is meant to appear as if
there is progress while
- much bigger issues go on being ignored.
- The spread of the Acinetobacter Baumannii from
Iraq is getting worse
- as the CDC backs away from it. More people
die, and the bug continues
- to mutate to where it now doesn't respond to Imipenem
anymore. So
- the need for PCR equipment in ICU's is urgent
in that diagnostics with
- culturing take too long. Around 4 hours for
PCR. So after writing to the
- Temple VAMC the Director assures me that they
will be using PCR
- equipment there shortly.
- http://www.gulflink
- If things continue as they are with the VA RAC
then there will be no
- progress or hope for Gulf War vets in 2008.
There needs to be a change
- in the way things have been these last 5
years. But, there is no
- oversight of the corrupt RAC now totally out
of control. With no other
- game in town there is no one else to make
suggestions for us on the
- hill. But, these people don't care about that.
The just want to play while
- the money is still there. As long as the vets
themselves do not ask for
- more then there wont be anything. Are you
happy with the way things
- are with VA on Gulf War Illness issues? Do you
even care?
- It sucks for me. Bad health care, improper
diagnostics, and no hints of
- hope from on high in VA other than business as
- May 27th,
2007: Duck and cover, no one is one your side
- Granted there was a lot that happened between
January and May this
- year in the veteran circles, I choose not to
air it with the folks in DC
- playing dirty games on our issues. Both sides
have been wrong, and
- no sense spelling this out to either benefit
over the other.
- In February started the trickle down effect of
problems at Walter Reed
- Army Hospital. In the frenzy it was white
washed to just a building
- maintenance issue. In March came the
resignations with trumped up
- advisory committees to give the appearance of
progress. In the background
- DOD Health Affairs was getting rid of military
health advocates like at
- the Military Severely Injured Centers so that
troops didn't have assistance
- from the outside on their MEB's. The real
insult was the playing down of
- infectious disease issues like Acinetobacter
Baumannii which took limbs
- of soldiers that might have kept the limb from
the IED if they hadn't been
- put in the contaminated wards.
- The rise of Klebsiella Pnuemonia in Iraq
should set off alarm bells since
- this is probably part of our 1987 American
Bioweapons shipment to Iraq.
Information courtesy of the 1994 Senate
Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs has oversight
responsibility for the Export Administration Act. Pursuant to the Act,
Committee staff contacted the U.S. Department of Commerce and requested
information on the export of biological materials during the years prior
to the Gulf War.
Date : August
31, 1987
Sent To : State Company for Drug Industries
Materials Shipped:
Klebsiella pneumoniae
subsp. pneumoniae (ATCC 10031)
Batch # 08-13-80 (1
- Is this ATCC 10031? Its every bit as drug
resistant and bad as Acinetobacter
- Baumannii with a higher rate of military
infections. The media is remaining
- silent, though I put this on the record with
the Government Reform Subcommittee.
- The Anthrax Vaccine program is mandatory again
even though it has failed in 2 new
- human test trials. Try as they might, they
cannot make a safe Anthrax Vaccine in
- 3 different attempts. But get by on legal end
run on technicalities at FDA. This is
- a shameful program which insults the entire
military, what happened to choice if
- you want it or not. The Feres Doctrine goes on
protecting the military illegal
- medical experimentation by denying troops the
ability to sue in court over
- damages from the vaccine.
- The WRIISC program fails in a spectacular way
by only admitting 183 Gulf war
- vets through national referrals over 5 years,
versus the 771 in the Gulf War Referral
- centers it was supposed to replace. The staff
there deny any problems though
- both centers see about 25 national veteran
referrals per year. They end up labeling
- over 40% with Neurotic Depression which
suggest Dr. Charles Engle over at Walter
- Reed is influencing diagnosis at the clinic.
None of this is what we planned into
- Public Law 105-368 in 1997. Of which DOD and
VA corrupted with this program.
- Roberta White of Boston University found brain
scans of 36 Gulf War vets
- showed cortex was 5% smaller than usual. Of
course Mike Kilpatrick of Force
- Health Protection spoke ill of the study to
defend DOD Health Affairs.
- Anything that looks like progress should be
quickly squashed by DOD
- before they have to start taking care of
- The biggest threat now to the Military has
become a public health issue as
- Perchlorates have leached into the water
supply. Ammonium Perchlorate is
- a salt used in rocket fuels. It causes Thyroid
problems and birth defects.
- Its on the surface of live fire ranges and was
all over the battle field during
- the 1990-1991 Gulf War. The military is
spending $114,000,000 to find a
- way to replace it. But, when I called Force
Health Protection asking for
- them to address it they just said back to me
"Oh, its been around for a
- while". That translates into "Your
on your own till Congress demands we
- do something about it". Like Project SHAD
which they have buried again.
- I tried to address the President's Commission
on Care for America's Returning
- Wounded Warriors in San Antonio May 4th 2007.
But, they rigged the public
- comment session with pre-approved ringers so
the audience could not interject.
- So I approached Bob Dole to give you a quick
summary, and he just came back
- at me saying "That's a lot of big
words". Which gave me a flash back of when
- I talked to another Presidential token
committee member in 1999 -
- Admiral Elmo Zumwaldt. He wasn't any more
helpful either. It was a nearly
- empty room with government personnel telling
the committee they are better
- than average. Except, where was the audience
of sick soldiers to defend or
- dispute any of this. The ALL military public
affairs staff in uniform was enough
- to tell me this was a smoke screen to cut off
- January 22nd,
2007: Infectious Diseases of
Gulf War and OIF
- Two infections have become a increasing issue
that might have effected
- Gulf War vets 15 years ago. Acinetobacter
Baumannii and Blastocystis
- Hominis.
- Before the Gulf War, during the Iran / Iraq
war there were patients with head
- trauma that surfaced with a drug resistant
Acinetobacter Baumannii. It is unknown
- just how many soldiers in the Gulf War would
have this but not be test for it.
- After the Gulf War the Iraqi medical system
collapsed and Iraqi's rushed to get
- medicines from any source they could. So low
grade veterinary drugs were
- used to treat infections. In the end over 15
years this worsened a already
- mutated bacterium to "Super bug"
status. Now plaguing OIF troops in Iraq.
- DHSD fought me on this citing this was NOT a
local soil variety but only a
- hospital infection, though LCDR Kyle Peterson
had said in 2003 it was showing
- up in local Iraqis from the soil. The
Pentagon, CHPPM, DHSD, and even the
- IOM have done everything possible not to
answer my questions since 2003
- on the Acinetobacter infection. To include
ignoring a Congressional request
- from Rep. Dennis Moore for answers on it.
- The
Invisible Enemy in Iraq Wired Magazine, Jan 22nd 2007
- Another infection, Blastocystis Hominis has
been drawn into question of
- whether it has been part of the
Gastrointestinal disorders of Gulf War vets.
- Oddly, the study:
- Chronic
Multisymptom Illness Affecting Air Force Veterans of the Gulf War vets
- begins to talk about it. Then all reference to
Blastocystis is removed from its
- text on the net. As if someone knew it was a a
problem, and asked that part
- not be included in the printed text on the
internet. So there are two studies in
- the works now that might begin to answer this.
This being a problem now for
- troops in Iraq.
- The logical place to turn would be the AFIP,
to ask questions. But, the
- AFIP hasn't been honest about its tissue vault
for years. It refuses to cooperate
- with independent researchers. Its scheduled to
be decommissioned shortly to
- the relief of the Pentagon - so they can hide
the data from the public. This is
- something I know from experience with them
since 2000.
- Well, without Congressional Oversight or
protective committees in place the
- Pentagon can go on ignoring vets like myself,
and better yet insult us with
- psychiatric
studies to draw attention away from any real illnesses. Which of
- course is passed onto OIF troops who get stiff
armed by the same people
- who burned us to hide from the truth. More
people will die, and the Pentagon
- goes on killing vets with dishonest practices.
We continue here at DSBR
to ask questions, and ask that you join
our discussion group at
Mail List.
- Sincerely
- Kirt P. Love
- Disabled Gulf War Veteran
- Contact: Kirt
- The Turkey Awards:
- Given to those individuals
that struggle to
make Gulf War
veterans lives worse
of better.
- Gulflink Yahoo mail list