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Spc. Kirt P. Love

Mr. Love is currently Director of the Desert Storm Battle
Registry since 1997. After years of personal frustration with
government inactivity over Gulf War Issues, the DSBR was
formed to accumulate data concerning the War and post effects.
To track military record data, medical records, research data,
and the lack of tangible DOD/VA medical care provided veterans.

Kirt distinguished duty was with the US. Army was with 141
Signal Battalion, Company C of 1st AD; Deployed from
USAREUR Germany attached to VII Corp.

He was awarded Army Commendation Medal for service’s
preformed with the 141st Signal Battalion, 1st Armored Division
during Desert Shield/Storm from December 20th, 1990 to April
30th 1991. At that time he functioned as Power Generation
Equipment Specialist .

Post deployment illness kept Mr. Love from return to his pre
military occupation of commercial sign illustrator, and muralist
due to hypersensitive to the material composition of the paints.
Mr. Love re-trained in the electronic Information processing field,
to include electronic document research, transmission, and
electronic security. Out of financial desperation Mr. Love briefly
worked for CompUSA in Government Computer sales at their
National Call Center.

Due to Gulf War illness he is unable to continue this full time
position, and has returned to his mission as military researcher
to determine exposures his unit encountered to establish his
own case before BVA review in Washington DC. In this effort
he has written and obtains responsive to over 820 FOIA’s from
varied agencies such as DOD, DIA, NSA, FDA, CDC, NAVY,
EUSEUR, Dept of State, and OSAGWI and so on.

Mr. Love keeps an ongoing Registry of over 1,000 veterans he
has met, and which issues disturbs them. He has personally
interacted with over 3,900 in the last 4 years. Mr. Love has
attended meetings with the IOM, Independent Gulf War Illnesses
Conferences, Pentagon Conference with Gulf War Investigative
Offices, OSAGWI Town Hall Meetings, Presidential Special
Oversight, CDC Chemical/Biological conference, and so on.
Events attended, literature, articles still on the net:
Restoring Faith in the Pentagon; Science Magazine article
Like many other veterans, Love and Hammack--both ill after serving in the 
Gulf--have turned their anger into activism. And they're sure of one thing: 
The Department of Defense has no intention of letting the truth about Gulf 
War illness come out.
Pentagon Revising Nerve Gas List - AP
Kirt Love, a critic of government handling of Gulf War illness studies who says
he is a disabled veteran from the war, blasted the Pentagon after hearing  

PSOB script to hearing on 13 july 1999
Frasure. Mr. Dan Fahey. Mr. Kirt Love. Dr. Naomi Harley. Major General
Robert Claypool. Rear Admiral Michael Cowan. Mr. Mark Gebicke.  

PSOB oversight - APPENDIX L
... llem. Johnathon Roger Lopez. Micheal Los. George B. Lotz, II. Beryl
Elizabeth Love. Kirt Love. Terry Lynch. Walter Lynch. Clayton E. Maas

These are the 1992 to 1999 inspection records - From Kirt Love's Gulf
War Website. Peruse it for many other interesting documents. 

NGWRC - Source Document Search
An additional spreadsheet was obtained by Kirt Love of the Desert Storm Battle
Registry which can be downloaded from here (requires Microsoft Excel)  
IOM - Gulf War Veterans: Treating Symptoms
Nat' Academies Press, Gulf War Veterans: Treating Symptoms and ...
... 3:10–3:30 BREAK 3:35–3:45 Kirt Love (Venus Hammack presenting) 
Desert Storm Battle Registry 3:50–4:00 Mark Colins Maryan Gulf War 
veteran 4:05–4:15 Ruth ...
IOM - Gulf War Veterans: Gulf War and Health 3
Nat'l Academies Press, Gulf War and Health: (2003), Table of Contents
Desert Storm Battle Registry; Patrick Eddington, National Gulf War Resource
Center; Kirt Love, Desert Storm Battle Registry; Denise Nichols, ...
FDA public Blood Banking meeting
Kirt Love, Desert Storm War Battle Registry 274. Venus 
Hammack 282. E. FDA Current Thinking, Questions for the. 
Committee, Committee Discussion and ...
Wall Street Journal - posted at DOD Tricare
February 4, 2004 HEALTH Veterans Say Military Keeps Poor Health ...
File Format: Microsoft Word 2000 ( Wall Street Journal posted at TriCare )
... so soldiers fighting in this conflict won't later face the kind of 10-year
battle Kirt Love fought for benefits from the Department of Veteran Affairs. ... 
The CDC Health Impact of Chemical Exposures During the Gulf War: 
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Page 1. The Health Impact of Chemical Exposures During the Gulf War:
A Research Planning Conference February 28 - March 2, 1999 Crowne - Similar pages 
Meeting with Mike Kilpatrick and Staff - 1999                        Meeting with OSAGWI at Pentagon - 1999

PSOB meeting 1999 - Jesse Brown                                      IOM's Harold Sox - Hurricane Floyd 
Dr. Bernard Rostker - OSAGWI 2000                                       Anthrax Hearing - USAMRIID Dr. Freilander 
Rep. Donald Manzullo - HR 612                                              Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson / Ross Perot 
VVA Rep Rick Weidman  -  2000                                            Dr. Charles Engle - DHCC 
Kwai Cheung Chan - GAO - Anthrax                                    James Binns - Chairman VA RAC  
General Ronald Blanck                                                        Robert Myers of Bioport
Johnny Cochran                                                          Rolling Thunder  
Rep. Christopher Shays                              Sen. Donald Reigle ( Reigle report 1994 )
VA Assistant Sec. John McKay                         MSNBC interview Sept 16th 2002
Sun Bo - Chinese Diplomat Kuwait 90-91            Ken Alibek - Russian Anthrax Scientist
Johannes Kerner - ZDF TV, Germany                            Sushil Sharma - GAO
Under Secretary David Chu                                 Dr. Abou-Donia - Duke University
Helen Malaskiewicz                                             Frank O'Donnell - Dr. Robert Haley
Rep. Chet Edwards                                         Sec. of VA  James Peake
Army Inspector General  Roy Whitcomb