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Gulf War Medical Database
- Gulf War Illnesses are the end result of a variety of
factors that took place in the KTO during 1990-1991. Experimental vaccines and drugs, environmental hazards,
and biological weapons, Oil Well fires, fallout from
bombing, sand storms, Depleted Uranium, parasites, and so much
- According to the Pentagons Health Affairs,
none of this was a factor, and Gulf War veterans made
themselves sick. That even though .0095% of Gulf War military
records have been declassified, there are no supportive
records that
anything in Iraq / Saudi Arabia / Kuwait could effect
our health.
- So for Gulf War veterans to get anywhere, we
have to operate outside of the Pentagons control. Which lead
to the 1994 Reigle Hearings were information was
released despite the
Pentagons objections. Ever since then the Pentagon has disguised, or disputed every
event, even when science
supported it.
- So databases like this are independent of
the Pentagon deception campaign - If it helps veterans,
then it has served its purpose.
Disorders throughout 1991 to 2004
Allergies ( various )
- ALS ( Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - "Lou Gehrig's disease"
- Ameobiasis
- Angina
- Anxiety Attacks
- Apnea ( sleep disorders )
- Asthma
- Bronchiectasis
- Bronchopneumonia, organism unspecified
- Brill’s disease (recrudescent typhus)
- Brucellosis
- Burning Semen ( Burning Intercourse )
- Bursitis
- Cancer ( varied )
- Cardiomegally
- Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere classified
- Chronic bronchitis
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Chronic laryngotracheititis
- Chronic respiratory conditions due to fumes and vapors
- Diarhea
- Endometriosis
- Emphysema
- Epstien Barr Virus
- Fatigue
- Fibromyalgia
- Fungal ( excessive growth )
- Giardiasis
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Hypertension
- Insomnia
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Joint Pain/Joint Disease
- Leishmaniasis ( Cutaneous and Visceral )
- Malaria
- MCS ( Multiple Chemical Sensitivity )
- Memory Loss
- Mycoplasma Fermentans Incognitus
- Nausea
- Migraines
- Neuropathy
- Night Sweats
- Other and unspecified diseases of upper respiratory tract
- Pneumoconiosis, due to silica or cilicates
- Pneumoconiosis, Unspecified Respiratory conditions
- due to unspecified external agent
- Reflux
- Rhinitis ( Sinus infections )
- Sand fly fever (Phlebotomus fever)
- Scoliosis
- Schistosomiasis (Bilharziasis)
- Silicosis ( Sand in Lungs and Blood )
- Sinusitus
- Sterility
- Toxoplasmosis
- Tinnitus
- Tuberculosis, specify variant
- Typhoid fever (also carrier)
- Unspecified chronic respiratory disease
- Viral hepatitis ( C )
Medical References
A to Z Medical Search Engine
- National Library of Medicine
- Med Watch
- Reuter's Medical News
- CNN Medical News
- Should be mandatory testing procedures for all Gulf War Veterans:
- Neuropsychological
- PET/SPECT scan - ( functional MRI -- head )
- Abdominal CT scan
- CBC Sedimentation rate
- (ESR) C-Reactive protein
- Rheumatoid factor
- Liver function
- Urinalysis
- TB skin test (PPD) with controls
- Chest X-ray
- Hepatitis serology
- HIV testing
- B12 and folate
- Thyroid function tests
- What Lab test there
are, and what the findings possibly mean
Where the AFIP would come into play,
- biopsy samples of Veterans:
- Muscle
Biopsies of Gulf War Veterans
- Medical Research Documents:
AFIP Feral Cat Study
areas of contamination and types:
- Over
994 bunker complexes such as Khamasiyah were known burning
fecal matter on latrine duty, many were not aware of any
SOP or told there was one. So there is no telling what all became
airborne from these duties. In my camp we
buried the ashes
on the spot, and many were down wind of the oily smoke the
diesel produced.

- Hydrogen
Sulfide, and heavy metals were also present with the
raining tar, and smoke from the oil wells. These people were
ground zero for 10% of the worlds air pollution in 1991. The
AFIP feral cat study, and other studies did find some problems
with local animals - but skewed study to sound better.

- Lack
of proper training with DU, and other artillery as well
as souvenir issues. We have one marine sticking his
finger in the entry hole of a sable round - not thinking that
heavy metals are often ingested during eating a meal with
unwashed hands. Possible heavy metal poisoning.

select image for full size photo 779k
was known that both alive, and dead Iraqis soldiers had
been exposed to their own NBC weapons. CIA records
have documented how badly their decon teams were
prepared for accidents at many locations. Many combat
medical units saw a variety of Iraqi injuries including
chemical blistering of arms. Work details often handled
corpses like this unsure what they were burying.
Government Programs for Veterans
Department of Defense (DoD) Gulf War Veterans Hotline
- (1-800-796-9699) for an examination
- ***CCEP - Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program****
VA Gulf War Information Helpline at
- 1-800-PGW-VETS (1-800-749-8387)
- Baltimore Depleted Uranium testing
- 1-800-815-7533
OSAGWI Depleted Uranium (DU) Hotline
- 1-800-472-6719
OSAGWI assistance line for requesting medical records
- 1-800-497-6261
You can contact St. Louis Military archive at center@stlouis.nara.gov
- with the following forms to request your medical files
- Military
records request form 180 Front
- Military
records request from 180 Back
- or call these military numbers at
- National Archives
and Records Adiminstration
Gulf War Rating System
- This is a rating system of the following projects, organizations,
- services, researchers, and so on. The number system rates
- overall performance, and willingness to assist veterans.
- 1
- Excellent
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Very Poor
OSAGWI's Military definitions of illnesses
definitions of Gulf War Illnesses
definition of Gulf War Epidemiology
definition of Medical Research and Outcomes
- Gulflink/OSAGWI
medical archive
- Rating ( 4 )
Government Agencies tied to Gulf War Medical Issues
AFIP - Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
- Headed by Cpt. Glenn Wagner. The institute aids medical researchers
globally for second opinions. They have a massive Gulf War tissues
bank section they are unwilling to catalog for medical researchers
to find.
- Rating ( 5 )
- Army Medical Department
- Home of current Army Surgeon General, and U.S. Army Medical
Command. They keep a tight lip on the truth of Gulf War medical
issues such as the Anthrax Vaccine.
- Rating ( 5 )
CDC - Center for Disease Control
- One of the few good guys in the Gulf War Health Issues. They tend
to get drug down in policy, and politics. They have 11 sister
organizations under their care, here are some:
- National Center for Infectious
- National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health
- National Vaccine Program
- National Center for
Environmental Health
- With people like Drue Barette on their staff, we could do worse.
However, they just dont push hard enough.
- Rating ( 2 )
CBER - Center for Biologics Evaluation
and Research
The Mission of (CBER) is to protect and enhance the public health
through regulation of biological products including blood, vaccines,
therapeutics and related drugs and devices according to statutory
authorities. They handle the VAERS
vaccine program, and are
- part of the FDA.
- Rating ( 4 )
CHPPM - U.S. Army Center for
Health Promotion & Preventive Medicine
- Another pawn of DOD strategy to mute Gulf War findings. It has been
called the U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Agency or AEHA. Its mission
is to support the worldwide preventive medicine programs of the Army,
DoD and other Federal agencies through consultations and supportive
services, investigations and training. DU sand sample issues go through
them, where they do comprehensive testing.
- Rating ( 4 )
FDA - Food and Drug Administration
- These people are definitely villains, they know full well what has transpired
with the Anthrax, and other vaccines. It is believed that DOD is holding
- some kind of trump card over them to make them remain silent. The only
good thing coming out of them is MEDWATCH.
FDA is a public health agency, charged with protecting American consumers by enforcing the
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and several related public health
- Rating ( 5 )
Gulf War Referral
Clinics ( VAMC )
- There are three of the abominations nation wide. These clinics are
operated on the east/west coast, and one at Houston Texas. The intent
is to use all medical procedures possible to pin down anything, and
- try to find any answers. Instead they rush patients off to the psychiatry,
and try to convince them its self induced. Their favorite generic term
is ****Somatoform - self induced illness ( psychosomatic )****
- They leave out critical laboratory findings, and make vague speculations
in veterans medical records. The results are sent to Washington DC
as part of a federal study, in turn to dismiss veterans in larger medical
- research projects. For a personal look at the Houston referral clinic: Houston
- Rating ( 5 - voted worst of all )
NIH - National Institute of Health
- They are a extension of the NAS, and more useless than the VA itself.
Mostly they read peer reviewed reports and make their own. The NIH
mission is to uncover new knowledge that will lead to better health
- everyone. Their generally all that's left when other agencies are finished
doing their reports and research.
- Rating ( 4 )
USAMRIID -Army Medical Research
Institute of Infectious Diseases
- Equally as tight lipped and equally as involved, they work with HASMAT
teams in Biological environment issues. They assist Centers for Disease
Control, the World Health Organization, and academic centers of
- excellence worldwide. They bias Gulf War issues while trying to scare
the public about current Bioweapons threats.
- Rating ( 5 )
USAMRICD - US Army Medical
Research Institute of Chemical Defense
- Not as notorious as others in some respects, and much more willing
to cooperate with others than their cousin USAMRIID. Their job is to
develop medical countermeasures to chemical warfare agents and to train
medical personnel in the medical management of chemical casualties.
Rating ( 3 )
USAMRMC - U.S. Army Medical Research
and Materiel Command
- They work with Walter Reed and is the Department of Defense executive
agent for medical chemical and biological defense research, and
combat maxillofacial surgery. Hush, Hush, research.
- Rating ( 4 )
VAERS - Vaccine Adverse
Event Reporting System
- Not very reliable, simply because it is not enforced. Any veteran that
received the Botulinum Toxoid or Anthrax vaccine should contact them
to report any bad health reactions to the vaccine. It is a post-marketing
- safety surveillance program, collecting information about adverse events
(side effects) that occur after the administration of US licensed vaccines.
- Rating ( 4 )
VAMC - Department
of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
- Viewed as the arm pit of medical care for veterans, it seems to work
hard at NOT providing good medical care. 73 medical centers, with
at least one in each of the 48 states, Puerto Rico, and the District
of Columbia. More than 391 outpatient, community, and outreach clinics;
131 nursing home care units and 39 domiciliary.
- Rating ( 4 )
WRAMC - Walter Reed Army Hospital
- A controversial military hospital in Washington DC, feeling are divided
because there is such a wide range of treatment issues. Some get lucky with there medical cases, and others get no where. This was the stomping
grounds of Army Surgeon General Ronald Blanck who signed off on the Anthrax Vaccine
program. The Gulf War Medical program is now called
- the Deployment
Health Clinical Center and they address:
- Fatigue
- Digestive Problems
- Joint Pain
- Weight Gain or Weight Loss
- Headache
- Memory Problems
- Skin Rash
- The staff is more friendly than most places, and Daniel Bullis was
very attentive. Still, heard more bad than good.
- Rating ( 3 )