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- Department of Veteran Affairs
- Research Advisory Committee on
- Gulf War Illnesses
- June 7th, 2005:
- To see where the RAC has made a impact, all
you have to do is look
- at the VA Gulf War Fact Sheet of
- http://www.va.gov/pressrel/gwfs.htm
- http://www1.va.gov/opa/fact/gwfs.html
- They both have not changed since April 2000,
and neither have the
- programs.
- In October 2002 I suggested the RAC look into
the AFIP repository to
- have the Gulf War samples cataloged for
researchers to find. I had
- discussed this with the IOM in committee, DHSD
in meetings, and
- have mentioned everywhere since 2001. The most
recent response
- on this from the RAC was:
- Jimm
Binns as of May 2004
- 3 years to even get this suggested?
- During the Gulf War, USCENTCOM had done a
medical survey of the
- troops in theatre. By December 1990 it was up
to 69,875, with disease
- case reports. Ive asked the RAC to look into
it, and it looks like they
- will sit on this for three years as they did
the AFIP issue. DHSD, Centcom,
- NARA, and a list of other agencies have done
everything possible not to
- respond to this request.
- Centcom
Medical Survey email to Jimm Binns
- Emails intercepted by others shows the
committee doesn't work with
- outside interest, and has been severely
manipulated by its members
- for personal agendas. Which limits it to the
political agendas of its board
- members. This is a large part of the reason
the committee has failed to
- produce anything viable as it ignores outside
sources in favor of its own.
- Things have become so intolerable that I had
to write the Whitehouse on
- the failings of the Gulf War program. The
Whitehouse responded it would
- contact VA on my behalf. So far as of May 24th
2005 Ive heard nothing
- from VA:
- My
letter to the Whitehouse
- Response
letter from Whitehouse
- RAC meetings now are little more than paying
homage to DOD, and capitulating
- with the WRIISC, Chppem,
Walter Reed, and the Research Working Group
- with complete indifference to
veteran commentary.
- The end result was no new research, and a
paltry $16,000,000 a year funding
- for mystery programs that no one can
- Veterans waited three years for cutting edge
announcements as the "quality of
- life" clock ticked away. Instead
of more public access and public programs,
- Gulf War medical research is in
limbo - and the fallout of this is years of more
- waiting for some kind of
recovery from this.
- It starts back at Veteran Affair Medical Centers
who are not sending veterans
- to the War Related Illness and Injury Study Clinic.
With only seeing 60 nation
- wide in 3 years, hundreds of thousands of
veterans are missing a chance to get
- more of the specific medical problems
answered than through the VAMC traditional medicine.
- 38 Persian Gulf Registry exams happen every month
just at one VAMC, and
- you would think that with that many coming in at least one
would be forwarded
- that month. Instead, places like the Houston VAMC have sent
one in 3 years.
- So the problem starts with getting Gulf War
veterans back in the door of the VAMC, and into the system. Then from there
make programs accessible to them up front, and treat them with dignity to
participate. From there the statistics pick up of reportable current
ailments, and possible new avenues of research. Its about finding physical
symptoms, not phone surveys with coached answers.
If the RAC can miss even this basic of a
component, its not necessary to pick on the bigger problems such as the AFIP
Gulf War tissue database they have spent 3 years overlooking. In fact, a long
list of items that have been glossed over.
The RAC failed to do its job, and it earned
itself a reputation as a information black hole. So rather than spell this out
on this page with saved correspondence letter with them, its better to forget
them and look to the future of something else in its place.
