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- OSAGWI Town Hall
- Fort
Sam Houston
- Feb
3rd, 2000
Our group was trying to draw Dr. Bernard Rostker out into
- the public for the cameras. We knew he couldnt respond to
- some specific questions we had at that time, but as we got
- closer and closer to our plane flight time Rostker changes
- things by saying he wants to see me privately at the Pentagon.
Message from OSAGWI 1/11/00:
We received your request for a meeting and will be glad to host
- you and the veterans listed on the date and time requested.
- However, Dr. Rostker is unavailable then and others may not be
- able to come at the time you requested. We are not always able
- to bring in the VA or other DoD personnel.
Message from OSAGWI 1/27/00:
In the interest of economy, we would suggest if you would like the
- opportunity to meet with Dr. Rostker in an open public meeting,
- you may wish to join us in San Antonio on February 3, 2000, at
- 7 p.m., for our scheduled town hall meeting. The meeting will be
- held in Fort Sam Houston's Blesse Auditorium located in building
- 2841, Willis Hall, at the corner of Stanley and Hancock Roads.
So I went at great personal expense to San Antonio, and from there
- it went down hill. First off, the address for the Willis Hall that
- OSAGWI had put out was totally wrong - the theater was on the
- other side of the base. Then when I found the building, it had "NO"
- signs on it that told me it was the hall. In fact, there was nothing
- anywhere to make me believe this event was happening.
Then when Dr. Bernard Rostker, and General Vale Vesser showed
- up, they looked at me, and blasted on by. In fact, the whole evening
- they made "NO" effort to approach me - knowing I wanted to
- talk to them.
It gets worse, as they speak they ridicule people like Dr. Garth
- Nicholson as a witch doctor. Made everything sound so mysterious,
- and how powerless they were against Gulf War Illness.
- The ultimate insult would come from the OSAGWI staff at the back
- of the room laughing, and snickering when veterans spoke at the
- podiums. Gen. Vesser just snarled, and grumbled, his contempt
- was very obvious.
The trip was a waste of time, I talked with most of the OSAGWI
- staff out in the lobby at the end - but by then Rostker had bolted.
- The trip had been a ruse on OSAGWI's part.