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New Stories about DSBR:
28th 2000: AP
Gulf illnesses to come under a new review
Kirt Love, a critic of government handling of
Gulf War illness studies who says he is a disabled veteran from the war,
blasted the Pentagon after hearing the news at Friday's meeting. "They
are still concealing records," he said.
- February
5th 2001:
Science Magazine
- Restoring Faith in the Pentagon
- If you attend a meeting about Gulf War
illness, you can't miss Kirt Love and
Venus Hammack.
- April
11th 2001: Stars & Stripes
- Military Personnel At Lower Risk of
Hepatitis C Infection Than Civilians,
Study Says
- Military personnel are at three to five times
lower risk
- of becoming infected with the hepatitis C
virus (HCV)
- than
the civilian population.
- July
23rd 2001: CNS news service
- Pentagon
Looks to Buy Oldest Veteran Paper
- Love says the Pentagon has "no plans at
this time to
- continue
any part of [the U.S. paper]. All they're doing is
- buying the
name as a trademark so that no one else can
- use it here in the
- September
11th 2001: Boston Globe
- Gulf War veterans recall Muslim distrust
- Love said he has come to realize that Middle
Eastern resentment goes back further than the Gulf War, to decades of US
foreign policy and perceptions that American promises
- aren't always kept.
- September
24th 2001: MSN Slate
- "Vax
- BioPort
exacerbated the mistrust after multiple run-ins
- the
FDA and after news spread of its strong financial ties
- to
- May
3rd - 5th, 2002: CBS News Atlanta
- Atlanta NGWRC annual conference - Kirt talks
briefly about
- his health problems in joint interview.
- September
16th, 2002: MSNBC CABLE
- MSNBC invites 6 Gulf War vets to speak
on the show about
- the pending deployment to Iraq, Kirt takes
the position that
- this war will be bloodier than last one.
- October
9th 2002: Newsmax.com
- Veterans Groups Berate U.S.
Biochemical Force Protection
- "Although DOD is fielding new NBC
equipment, troops currently deploying are leaving with the same equipment
troops deployed into Iraq 12 years ago,” says Kirt P. Love, director of
the Desert Storm Battle Registry and a Gulf War veteran.
- October
10th 2002: LA Times
- Cold War
Bio-Weapon Tests Included California
- "Most of these people didn't have a clue
what they were part of," said Kirt Love, a veterans advocate with the
Desert Storm Battle Registry who contended that in many cases only senior
officers were aware of the tests. "These were not safe agents at the
- October
12th 2002: Winchester Star
- Gulf War Veterans
Emotions Mixed
- For 11 years, Kirt Love, who
served in the Army during Operation Desert Storm, has been plagued by
migraines, respiratory problems, and especially the memory of a vicious
battle he witnessed between Allied forces and the Iraqi Republican Guard.
- Another war with Iraq, he says,
“will be a bloodbath from start
- to finish.”
- What's causing Gulf
War Illness
- Love is most worried, however, that no
significant lessons have been
learned from what happened in the first Gulf War, as the U.S.
is poised
- to enter another war in the same region.
"We are going to be repeating the same mistakes
with Gulf War II," he said.
- November
11th 2002: Washington Post
- Iraqi Battleground
Fiercer Veterans say
- "Our government knows our equipment is not
up to standards," Love said.
"This isn't going to be the same as before. This is
going to be a bloody affair. They
haven't shown us that they have learned anything."
- December
30th, 2002: Disaster News Network
- Studies track Gulf War illness -- but too
- Travis Dunn
- Recent studies investigating the effects of low
levels of
- sarin nerve gas on animals appear to confirm the
- that some forms of Gulf War illness may have
- caused
by the exposure of U.S. troops to nerve gas.
- December
30th, 2002: Die Weltwoche Magazine
- The
battle of the veterans
- Martin Killian
- Numerous Americans, who
fought in the Gulf War, warn
- of a military strike
against Saddam Hussein. Who are the
- people, which the Iraqi
Tyrant actually loose will want,
- but, face the government
Bush with highest skepticism?
- February
19th 2003: ZDF TV - Germany
- Shortly before Baghdad
- A German camera crew tapes us at
home, and what
- life is like after the war. We
express our concerns that the troops going to the Gulf this time wont be so
lucky. With
- 77,000 body bags being sent, its
a no brainer.
- February
21st 2003: KRO TV - Holland
- Verslag vanuit Bagda
A camera crew from Holland comes
in to film Venus and myself during a snow storm. The piece talks of our
hardship, and the 1991 war - then life afterwards. Venus fears her children
will might end up in Iraq ( 2 are in the military ).
- February
23rd 2003: Sonntags Blick
- Swiss
- Bushs hardest opponents
- Swiss news article were Venus
and I voice our disappointment with the US Government on the pending
deployment in Iraq. Well, as troops from the last war - we want to stop this
- March
3rd 2002: North Virginia Daily
- Gulf war veterans fear U.S. is
- unprepared for war with Saddam
- As the beat of war drums continues, so does
- cadence inside a Mt. Jackson residence as its
- step up efforts to warn of invisible, blistering and
suffocating enemies Americans troops may face on
the ground in Iraq.
- March
5th, 2002: De Bunde, Viola Keeve
- As
warriors get sick, as veterans forgets
They have won the first campaign for America,
now they are invalid. And possibly
also the new Gulf war leaves his syndrome - under the soldier,
but also among Iraq civilians.
- April
7th 2003:
Fluter, Viola Keeve
Gulf War Syndrome
- Veterans like Kirt Love fight a desperate
battle against the Pentagon–
about guiltily remained enlightenments and the own credibility.
- April
G. Whittle & Linda Amato
Vol 35, issue 1- Christian Science Monitor
Desert Storm Blows Back with a Fury
- As another Middle East conflict dies down,
veterans and doctors say the previous round’s biowarfare casualties remain
mysteriously ignored
- August
9th, 2003: Andrew Martel The Winchester Star
Gulf War Veterans Say Troops Should
‘Finish’ This Time News
of the fast advance to Baghdad by coalition forces in Operation Iraqi
Freedom does not surprise those who were there more than a decade ago.
- Feb
4th, 2004: Wall Street Journal, Robert Thomsho
- Veterans Say Military Keeps Poor Health
- Records on Troops
- U.S. TROOPS on the battlefield face far
more potential dangers than simply enemy weapons fire: Germ and
biochemical weapons, environmental pollution even bites from insects
and animals native to the battle zone can sicken a soldier with
symptoms that linger long after he's
- gone home.
- Feb
8th, 2004: Tommy
Denton - Roanoke Times
A veteran serving those afflicted in
- In the aftermath of Operation Desert Storm in
1991, former Army mechanic Kirt Love observed the destruction of an
Iraqi weapons bunker.
- Other interviews:
- Arte TV - France
- 3 minute segment
- December 7th 2002:
- Venus Hammack and Kirt Love have a interview
with French ARTE TV as they explain how they do not agree with
President George Bush on the coming assault of Iraq. Its not about
National Security, its about economics - and that's not what the
military was created for.
- December 17th 2002:
- 7:45pm MSNBC, Frank Luntz -
Iraq Smoking Gun
- Kirt Love comments:
- It is not our job as the WORLD PEACEKEEPERS to
police Iraq. We are going to waste upwards of a $100 billion on this
war when we don't even take care of our people here at home.
- January 22nd, 2003:
- 7:45pm MSNBC, Frank Luntz -
Iraq Smoking Gun
- Kirt Love comments:
- Full disclosure, and that the information is
old and has
- not been disclosed since the last war. Other
- do NOT support this war. That the evidence is
NOT there.
I said that Americans should have full disclosure, but its
- more than likely DOD wont since they didnt
last time
- 12 years ago.
- January 24th, 2003:
- 7:45pm MSNBC, Frank Luntz -
Should we go in without the UN
- Kirt Love comments:
- This is a economic issue of how we keep OPEC
on the edge. This is about the price of oil. Saddam is in a box, he
cant travel to EuroDisney.
- MSNBC: Presidents State of the Union
- January 28th, 2003:
- 9:00 pm MSNBC, Hardball
- President State of the Union Address
- This is a economic issue of how we keep OPEC
on the edge. This is about the price of oil. Gas prices will go up as
theeconomy goes down. Venus calls President Bush
- "Cheney's Puppet".
- April 8th, 2003:
- TV Tokyo, What is going
on in America
- Japanese Interview at the foot of the
Lincoln memorial where
- Venus and Kirt discuss political fall out of
the Iraq War.
- August, 2003:
- China Star TV, Sun Bo /
Kirt Love interview
- This is a thirty minute documentary that
compares lifestyles
- of former Chinese Diplomat to Kuwait to the
life of Spc. Kirt
- P. Love from the Gulf War to present.
Similarities of medical
- problems and hardships after the war.